and DOMANI 開催
「and DOMANI」は、各文化施設の企画とDOMANI展がコラボレーションする催しです。

English follows Japanese

「大山崎山荘の小さな絵本づくり」and DOMANI @京都

京都の西郊にある、アサヒビール大山崎山荘美術館では、9月17日から12月25日まで企画展「こわくて、たのしいスイスの絵本」展を開催しています。今回の「and DOMANI」企画は、この展覧会にあわせたワークショップです。築百年を超える「大山崎山荘」(美術館本館)を探検して、小さなモティーフやお話の種を探し、一人ひとりの絵本原画を制作します。講師はDOMANI展ではすでにおなじみの蓮沼昌宏。蓮沼は、「こわくて、たのしいスイスの絵本」展会期中に、キノーラ2点と新作《ソーラーパネル象》を特別出品しています。


2022年11月5日(土) / 6日(日)
蓮沼 昌宏 HASUNUMA Masahiro
現代美術[2016年度(1年研修)・ ドイツ(フランクフルト)]

「蓮沼昌宏ワークショップ「つくろう!クルクルアニメーション」 and DOMANI @水戸
(「佐藤雅晴 尾行―存在の不在/不在の存在」展関連プログラム)」水戸芸術館(2021年度)

「第21回 DOMANI・明日展」国立新美術館(2019年度)
「DOMANI・明日展 plus」千代田区立日比谷図書文化館(2017年度)

and DOMANI event

The “and DOMANI” exhibitions/events are innovative collaborations between Domani and the exhibition programs at cultural facilities around Japan.

Last year the Domani exhibition was split between five venues nationwide, earning excellent reviews at each.
This year the main exhibition will be in Tokyo, with one other site, in Kyoto.
Don’t miss this quirky Domani collaboration with an art museum that has personality to spare!

Hasunuma Masahiro workshop
“Making a little picture book of the Oyamazaki Villa” and Domani @ Kyoto

From September 17 to December 25 the Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art located on the western outskirts of Kyoto will stage “Scary, but Fun: Swiss Picture Books.” This “and Domani” event is a workshop organized to coincide with this exhibition. Workshop participants will join artist and previous Domani exhibitor Hasunuma Masahiro to explore the Oyamazaki Villa (main museum building) now over a century old, looking for little motifs and stories, to make their own original picture book. A special display of Hasunuma’s Kinora works is also planned during the “Scary, but Fun: Swiss Picture Books” exhibition.

Saturday and Sunday, November 5 and 6, 2022
Asahi Beer Oyamazaki Villa Museum of Art and Garden Rest House
(5-3 Zenihara, Oyamazaki-cho, Otokuni-gun, Kyoto)
*See museum website for details
Hasunuma Masahiro
Artist. 2016 Overseas Study Program (one-year), Frankfurt, Germany.

Hasunuma Masahiro workshop “Craft a Cool Revolving Cartoon!” and DOMANI @ Mito (In connection with the exhibition “Sato Masaharu: Trace – Absence of Presence / Presence of Absence”)
The 21st “Domani: The Art of Tomorrow” exhibition;
“Domani: The Art of Tomorrow PLUS×Hibiya Library and Museum.”